transistor input

英 [trænˈzɪstə(r) ˈɪnpʊt] 美 [trænˈzɪstər ˈɪnpʊt]




  1. Lowest noise figure of a RF transistor is not normally where the input is perfectly matched.
  2. The synchronous machine based on Field Programmable Gate Array ( FPGA) is combined with the integrate circuit and transistor, to realize multiplex pulse and step-signals synchronized with input signal.
  3. In this switching power supply, the novel mode of serial two-transistor is adopted to solve the difficulty of choosing switch transistor under the condition of high-voltage input.
  4. To achieve the high impedance required specially designed "electrometer" vacuum tubes, field effect transistor must be used in the input stage.
  5. Factors leading to hot-carrier effects in CMOS IC's include transistor size, switching frequency, load capacitance, input rate and the location of transistors in the IC.
  6. The neuron MOS transistor was invented in 1991.It is a high functional floating gate MOS transistor with multiple input control gates.
  7. The Effect of Static Operating Point For Basic Transistor Amplifier on Input Signals
  8. Based on the bulk driven PMOS transistor, a low voltage CMOS cascade current mirror ( BDCCM) is presented, then the input/ output impedance and frequency characteristics are discussed.
  9. Due to the proper operating point of a mixer transistor, namely the intermediat-frequency output selecting circuit may be seen as a short circuit over input carrier-frequency with its adjacents, in this paper the influence of input noise source to the output are calculated and analyzed.
  10. With the utilization of the voltage controlled resistor characteristics of MOS transistor and the introduction of a feedback circuit controlled by input and output voltages, a dynamic and optimal slope compensation circuit is realized.
  11. Outer characteristics of transistor are the relationship between the input/ output ports 'voltages and currents.
  12. By experiments it shows that the rectifier can operate efficiently, and its gate drive voltage of the switching transistor can be immune from the input and/ or ouput voltage and current.
  13. The simulation results show that the technique could reduce the input-referred offset voltage of the amplifier by 40% with a 20% load transistor mismatch and a 10% input differential transistor mismatch.
  14. Based on the basic principles of three-point oscillator, the complexity of RF oscillator was analyzed. Considering the distributed parameters of transistor, the amplitude and phase relations between feedback and input signals, in addition to the oscillation mechanism of circuit were discussed in detail.
  15. Power devices as a development of integrated circuits, application of increasing scope, VDMOS transistor as an important kind of power devices with high input impedance, fast, no secondary breakdown and so on.